UCLA Medical Plaza
PROJECT TYPE Education /
Urban Design + Landscape

UCLA Medical Plaza is located at the southwest corner of UCLA’s campus, adjacent to Westwood Blvd. The Plaza consists of three medical buildings set around a vehicular and pedestrian loop. Currently, the Plaza is plagued by numerous problems including confusing signage and circulation, a dated physical appearance, and a lack of a cohesive identity. Additionally, there are opportunities to establish stronger connections to the Plaza’s surrounding areas, including taking advantage of a vacant lot at Gayley and LeConte which has been used primarily as a construction staging area.
The goals of the project are multi-fold: (1) establish a stronger, updated visual identity which ties into the architecture of the broader campus, (2) enhance pedestrian wayfinding and connections to adjacent areas, (3) create outdoor pedestrian resting areas, (4) provide clearer vehicular wayfinding for drop off and parking, and (5) increase and enhance low-water landscaping. The project is designed as a cohesive whole, however for potential phasing and funding purposes the project is divided into multiple components and subcomponents.